Just when I was feeling a tad bit lonely in this adoption journey God filled my days with His love through some amazing people. Yesterday I received a letter in the mail from a friend that I get to “do life with”. The page was…
Author: Heather Hughes
I beg you…Pray for Burundi
It has been a few months since my last post so I thought I’d give a little update… Actually, I’m begging you to pray. Our hearts are breaking right now for the country that we are adopting from…Burundi Africa. This country, which is one of…
Meltdown, Truth & Blessing
I had my first adoption journey MELTDOWN this last month. Up to this point I have fully known that this is the direction the good Lord is leading us and although there are so many unknowns my faith has not wavered in HIM. Except…
Since the last post we have experienced an overwhelming amount of support from so many of you…so much support that it leaves us speechless & teary eyed multiple times a week. I cant even tell you how many times, after yet another person offering prayer…
Hughes Adoption Support Update
Merry Christmas to you and your family from the Hughes! First off – I, (Jay), wanted to say a big THANK-YOU to all our family and friends for your support of our adoption. We stepped out “by faith” on this road of adoption, and we’ve…
While this has nothing to do with our adoption I couldn’t help but share one of the things God has shown me about my “Parent Prayers” this week and how they reveal my lack of trust in Him… If you are a parent and you…
Jay and I just got off of a conference call with the Orphan Care director who works for our adoption agency, All God’s Children International (AGCI). She visited Burundi recently and shared her experience and wisdom with us. It was SO informative. We focused…
2nd Paper Pile OUT THE DOOR!
Just happy to announce that I handed over ALL the Home Study paper work today! This is pretty awesome considering we just had our family physicals done last Thursday! What’s so amazing about this? Well, the agency told us to expect to not get anything…
The Power of an Encouraging Story
I’ve been contemplating the last few days as to whether or not I should write this post. But I think it could be helpful for well intended people who just want to “make sure” we know what we are getting into regarding adoption. Yes. We…
Gettin’ things done!
Here’s the deal…the last few days have flown by! I am not wasting any time and trying to get as much adoption related things done as quickly and as thoroughly as I can. I figure my end of the paperwork is the only thing I CAN actually…