The Landscapers Prayer

Its August 31st and the Burundi Central Authority still has not met.  Our contact and agency are hopeful that they will meet in the near future but there is not a set date.

I frowned a few times about it, but in reality, the wait is strengthening my faith daily.  Every single day, in order to get through without throwing my self a pity party, I give my desires to the one who is in control of all things and I turn that pity party into worship….OK- you know I wanted to say …”and I turn that frown upside down!”  But I restrained myself…only not really.  I have issues.

God, in His kindness, gave us a gift today and it was unexpected but so incredibly sweet!  I personally feel it was timely considering the date.

We have some yard issues right now and since Jay is having his second hip replacement surgery tomorrow he decided to call an old landscaping friend of ours, Robert, to come help us out.  Robert doesn’t just show up and fix stuff he shows up and brings sunshine!  He loves Jesus and he loves to talk about Jesus and what God is doing in his life.  Jay spent a little over an hour talking with him so when I showed up things were winding down.  He told us he would not let us pay him for the work he did on our yard because what we were doing was for “Eternity” and he wanted to be a part of THAT! Then he pulled us in and said he needs to pray.  So we huddled up and bowed our heads and the powerful words, in the name of Jesus, that came out of Roberts mouth soothed our souls.  It was a great way to spend August 31st.  What a gift.

I shouldn’t be but I am continually amazed by how God gives us exactly what we need in the moment.  The Holy Spirits presence is so real and His encouragement to KEEP PRAYING is just as strong as ever.  Roberts prayer refueled that fire.



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